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The history of human use of limestone can be traced back to prehistoric times, approximately 7,000 years ago. During the late Old Stone Age (Neolithic period) and the early New Stone Age (Neolithic period), humans began to use stone tools for quarrying and processing limestone.Ancient civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome widely utilized limestone in various aspects of architecture, sculpture, and decoration. For example, limestone played a significant role in the construction of iconic structures like the Egyptian pyramids, the Greek Parthenon temple, and the Roman Colosseum, where it served as a primary building material.The extensive use of limestone dates back to the early stages of human civilization, and over time, it continued to evolve and improve, becoming an essential element in architecture and decoration worldwide.




Ancient Architecture


Colosseum (Colosseo): Located in the heart of Rome, Italy, the Colosseum was constructed between AD 70 and 80. It is one of the most iconic ancient Roman structures and extensively used limestone as its primary building material.


Ancient Greek Temples: Many ancient Greek temples, such as the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, utilized limestone as a building material. These temples are considered masterpieces of ancient Greek architectural art, and the white appearance of limestone added a sense of grandeur and elegance to these structures.


Egyptian Pyramids: The Egyptian pyramids, representing the ancient Egyptian civilization, are some of the most recognizable structures in history. Some of these pyramids used limestone as the construction material for their outer walls. Limestone contributed to the majestic appearance of these pyramids.


Modern Iconic Buildings

亚历山大·涅夫斯基大教堂(Saint Isaac's Cathedral):位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡,是俄罗斯最大的教堂之一。这座宏伟的大教堂建于19世纪初,使用了大量的莱姆石,其巨大的圆顶和雕刻精美的外立面给人以震撼。

Saint Isaac's Cathedral: Situated in St. Petersburg, Russia, Saint Isaac's Cathedral is one of Russia's largest cathedrals. This grand cathedral, built in the early 19th century, features extensive use of limestone. Its colossal dome and intricately carved facade leave a stunning impression.

博洛尼亚圣斯蒂芬大教堂(Basilica di San Petronio):位于意大利博洛尼亚市中心,是意大利最大的教堂之一。该教堂建于14世纪,虽然没有完成,但其主立面使用了莱姆石,给人以庄严和宏伟的感觉

Basilica di San Petronio: Located in the center of Bologna, Italy, the Basilica di San Petronio is one of Italy's largest cathedrals. Although it was never completed, its main facade is adorned with limestone, imparting a sense of grandeur and solemnity.


The Chinese embassy building in Northwestern Region, Washington, was designed by I. M. Pei and his two sons. The floor uses Lai as the main material, so that the design combines traditional and modern elements, showing a unique style.



大卫雕像(David):由意大利艺术家米开朗基罗于1501年至1504年间创作。这座雕塑是一座巨大的裸体男性雕像,使用的材料是意大利托斯卡纳地区的莱姆石。David Statue: Created by the Italian artist Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504, the David statue is a colossal nude male sculpture. It is crafted from limestone sourced from the Tuscany region of Italy.


Luxury stores


Louis Vuitton luxury stores in Seoul chose  limestone as the main material is a wise decision. limestone natural beauty, diversified texture and durability, so that the entire building presents a high-level, elegant atmosphere.

Limestone, as a type of stone, plays an important role in different eras. In the past few centuries, lime stone has been a favored material for the nobility and wealthy class, used for the construction of important buildings such as houses, churches, and palaces. Nowadays, lime stone is still one of the mainstream in the design field, widely used in architectural design and interior decoration, adapting to various design styles and needs. The mainstream status of lime stone is not only due to its beauty and texture, but also because of its historical and cultural value, carrying the memories and traditions of human civilization.
From the hot micro cement last year, pursuing simplicity, elegance, and tranquility, to the long-lasting limestone, which is noble and elegant, and has a historical and cultural charm. NANOGRESS limestone is not only a treasure box that locks in time, but also a treasure box of time.


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